My Health & Fitness Journey

The Good, The Bad, and The Truth

My Journey started about 10 years ago. Following a Break Up, I went from around 88kg to approx 60kg within 12 months. I lost my confidence, and was depressed.

To be honest - I started going to the Gym to try and get at least some attention on Dating Sites / Apps, thinking it was my body that was the problem (when in reality it was my complete lack of confidence).

I worked in Birmingham City Centre, so it made sense to sign up to a gym there, and set myself a goal of turning up at least 3 days a week initially. I studied Sport Education at University, so I had a bit of an idea of what to do training wise (or so I thought), and my mantra was 'Actions Speak Louder than Words' - no matter how sore I felt, or how stressed I was, I would get to that gym and I would train, I 'couldn't be weak anymore'. Looking back on it - that motivation did not come from not a good place to be honest.

After a couple of months of making the usual mistakes (ego lifting, not asking for help, etc), I noticed I was moving from 'nodding' to some of the regulars, to actually having a brief chat most days. This is where I 1st discovered the effect a gym community can have on people. From brief chats, we went to helping 'spot' each other, to sometimes training together, and even giving each other hints and tips. I noticed my confidence was growing again, and I started to notice my body change. Encouraged by this, I moved to 4 days per week, and then eventually to 5.

2 years later, and the bombshell came - the Gym was closing... As sad as that was, I will never forget those 2 years and how they changed who I am, and how it started me on my journey to being more confident.

My next gym was something a bit different. My work colleague told me about a Boxing Gym based round the corner from work that he had trained for years at. Interested in a new challenge, I decided to join up. Admittedly it took a few months to move me out of my Comfort Zone (i.e. the weights section), and onto the Punching Bags, but it was such a supportive and welcoming environment, and being a relatively small gym, everyone knew each other and helped each other out.

After a year or so, the Owner approached me about competing at one of the White Collar Boxing Events they were hosting. I thought 'why not', so said yes and began my 12 week Training Camp. If ever you want to learn resilience - I would highly recommend Sparring! On those days you are tired, and scared you wont perform well, and dont really want to be there - and all of a sudden you are face to face with someone bigger, stronger, and fitter than you are - who is trying to punch you in the face, there really is no better feeling than ending that session thinking 'I did it, I stood up and was counted, and gave it the best I could, that is who I am'. 11 and a half weeks into the Camp... Lockdown.. and the event got cancelled.

Soon after.. the gym unfortunately closed it doors for good. I still miss the place to be honest.

Fast forward to post lockdown. I had moved to Romsley, and the garage needed knocking down as it was no longer watertight.. and a little voice in head began to speak to me. 'You studied Sport Education, you know the Journey, you could help people'. 

And so, here I am :) The PT study helped me realised that I didn't know it all, and the mistakes I had made in my training before this have taken some time to undo (muscle imbalances leading to a lot of pain, and a complete lack of mobility mainly), but the way I see it - this is a good thing - for you at least :) I can help make sure you don't make the same mistakes, and we do things the right way... together! I gained my Mental Health First Aid Qualification as I wanted to be more confident in having conversation about depression and anxiety, and how to motivate others who may not be feeling confident. I honestly would recommend the Course to anyone.

Well that's My Journey :)

So why not start your Own Journey? Get in touch, and we can find a positive, structured, and fun way for you to make some life changes.


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